Global Beauty Campaign

In New Zealand's Maori culture, facial and body tattoos are etched into the skin by tattoo artists using a tool called uhi. The ink is then poured into the gouge marks. Tattoos represent the history and social status of the tattoo bearer family. It is believed that tattooed bearers will meet their ancestors when they travel to spiritual sites, and that when they return they will become a new person. For Maori women, the tattoo is a sign of growth, symbolizing a girl's metamorphosis into an adult woman.
In my opinion, this culture of New Zealand better reflects the local customs and features, and they use tattoo to show the culture they represent and make contributions to it. They represent the changes and challenges of their lives and the healing, the reflection, the rights, the identity; In my opinion, tattoos on the body only represent the end of a journey. Tattoos are not the most important, but the process of life experience is the most important. It is simply a special way of recording one's life experiences and lifetime dedication of self identity. Let us receive a message more quickly that we should live a life of purpose and purpose.